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Management policy

Management objective: A company with solid ability

We manufacture products with a universal value system and an original technology and provide the world with parts and machines to support society.

Management objective

Management strategy

Strategic goal: A company that continuously achieves high profitability' making a presence in the market.
Management strategy
Specific management strategies
  1. Focus on the "alignment-type" business
  2. High quality
  3. Global and niche
  4. Business and product innovation with IT
  5. Eco and UD and Safety

Business management by strategic business unit system: SBU

  1. Each business unit shares strategic goals and management strategies.
  2. Each business unit expands the "business concept that it aspires to seek the world's opinion of" as a business strategy
  3. Strategy crafting: Build business strategy to perfection through implementation and modification
Organization chart Click here for ditails about Dieless Press Business Unit
Click here for ditails about Steel Material Business Unit
Click here for ditails about Machinery Business Unit
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